Thursday, July 19, 2007

Ch. 10 & 13 weekly readings

Ch. 10 Social and Personality Development in the Preschool Years

In this chapter it discussed how growing up in an individualistic culture is different from a collectivist culture. Individualistic cultures are defined by detachment from relationships and community. The individual views him/herself as relatively independent from others. On the other hand, collectivist cultures stress the importance of relationships, roles and status within the social system. Both are broad dimensions used to differentiate cultures. I learned that in an indiviualistic culture independence, value and personal fullfillment is prioritized. Collectivist cultures stress harmony and obedience. I think the United States is an individualistic culture and foreign countries are collectivist.

Ch. 13 Social and Personality Development in Middle Childhood

In middle childhood being popular and having many friends are two significant factors. Children who have a strong group of friendships and who are popular with their peers are socially competent. Social skills, social awareness, and self- confidence are all milestones that the child will face during middle childhood. I think all children want to adapt and be accepted socially. I think that children have it bad during this stage because they go from wanting the approval of their parents to wanting the approval from their peers.

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