Thursday, June 14, 2007

Ch. 4+ 5 weekly readings

Chapter 4: Birth and the Newborn Infant + Chapter 5: Physical Development in Infancy

In chapter 4 I learned, there are signs that tell you that a labor is beginning. Contractions get stronger and closer together and the bag of waters or membranes rupture. The result is an open cervix that thins so the baby's head can pass through. Another form of childbirth is a Cesarean. It is when a surgical incision is made through the mothers abdomen and uterus. Labor ends with the birth of a baby. I found everything to be very informative and interesting. I have yet to experience having a baby, but after reading this chapter I really don't look forward to it.

In chapter 5 I learned, that there are many changes that occur in an infants body. The physcal development is extensive in the first two years of life. The brain continues to develop past infancy. There motor devleopment is a active process between nature and nurture. Finally there sensory and perceptual development go hand in hand. I learned that a baby is veru fragile in infancy.

1 comment:

Dena Hunter said...

I enjoyed reading your blog and don't worry (I know that you have heard this before) I have had two kids and I was not looking forward to childbirth either, I was scared to death, it is very painful but you do forget about the pain right after when you look at your new baby!!